The delivery time is not constant. This is because we all our likes, followers and views are from real accounts. Therefore the number of days taken to add them to your account depends on the number you have purchased at a particular time.

Most people think that buying followers is illegal. The answer is no. This is because when you buy followers from an experienced seller like, we add real account followers. The only time when Twitter will remove followers from your account is when you buy computer generated followers. Otherwise, followers are bought to boost online presence, and therefore it is not illegal to buy them.

After you have chosen your preferred package and paid your order starts within 24 hours. We always give you an estimate as to how many days the order is going to take to completion. During this period you are always advised not to change the details of your account. Changing the details of your account can affect the delivery of services.

Yes. You can make as many orders as you want. We do not limit the number of orders you want to make. Orders solely depend on the amount of money you are willing to spend.

Yes! It is very safe to buy Fans, likes and Followers. No one gets their details exposed concerning payments and other financial details. Again, only the seller gets the payment and does not have the mandate to access the buyer’s financial details. This makes buying of Facebook likes safe and secure. At boost fans online, we have mechanisms to protect customer data and no third party intruder can access their details. This makes us a very safe Facebook selling platform.

Yes. We never close. We operate throughout the year to ensure that we are available to handle all inquiries and complaints.

Unfortunately no. All our likes are real account likes. There are platforms that offer computer-generated likes. Our likes will never be removed from your account but the computer-generated one can be removed by the service provider once they notice you have added them.

No. We do not ask for passwords to be able to deliver services. All we ask for is your username or a link to your account. Passwords are personal and should only be known by you.

When you pay the views do not start increasing immediately. We first process the order and then start adding the views. Bear in mind that our views are real account views and therefore they are added manually. Therefore it will take you a few hours before you start seeing them increasing.

    Our customer care team is always available to answer all the questions you have regarding our services. Contact them anytime either through a call, online chat, or through an email. We are always very happy to answer all your questions.

    Yes. We are also SEO experts. We sort all your issues in SEO ensuring that you rank better in the search engines as well as increase traffic to your account.

    We have experts who are specialized in SEO. They analyze your account to see the reason why it is not ranking high. After establishing the issue they help you work on it ensuring that you rank better.

    We offer some of the best packages in the industry. All the services you buy from us are well analyzed to ensure that we give you them at the best price. We are committed to ensuring that all our services are cost-effective and therefore you can get them easily. Another good thing is that we have different packages and therefore you can buy services based on the funds you are willing to spend at a particular time. When you buy services from boost likes online, you get value for your money.

    The answer is yes. You can lose your views, likes, and followers if they are computer-generated. The services providers occasionally go removing bots from accounts. This means that if you bought computer-generated services they will at some time be removed. That is the reason why we do not offer such services. All our likes, followers, and views are real account services. They are manually added to your accounts meaning that they will never be removed by the services providers. It is important to get a service that will last you forever.

    Once your order for a service from us we enter into a contract to deliver the order you want. However, in the middle of the service delivery, you can decide to cancel the order. We have policies that guide such a case. You can go through terms and conditions to see how you can go through such a case.

    That has never happened to us. But yes it can happen in cases where there is a system failure or any other thing that is beyond us.

    You can contact us through the provided email address, online chat through our website, through a call through our official numbers or on Skype. We are available 24/7 to ensure that we answer all your questions and deliver your order in real-time.